Employer Partners
Hire Workforce Ready Tech Talent
Gain free access to candidates who are qualified entry-level full-stack developers.
Claim Academy provides talent solutions to companies across the globe.
Our Students are Hired by Fortune 500’s
and the Thriving Startup Community

Join the Claim Academy Employer Network to reap these benefits:
Employers love Claim Academy graduates! That’s because our graduates are industry-ready, full stack Java or .NET C# developers. They typically get hired by members of our Employer Network within weeks of graduation from our 14-week boot camps.
There is never a cost for employers to participate in our network, attend our events, or hire our grads
- Get first crack at Claim Academy graduates. We will email you announcements about our students immediately upon graduation, including graduates’ direct contact information, resume, and links to their Claim Academy project on GitHub and their LinkedIn profile.
- Get in front of students even before they graduate. Employers in our network are invited to present to our students about their company and career opportunities. Ask to present using the Contact form below.
- Get to know our students. Join us for Demo Day to observe our graduating students as they deliver their final presentation and demonstrate their coding project. Learn which students are the standout candidates for your company!
- Get your existing employers or incoming applicants trained by the best! Claim Academy can train groups of your employees coding at your location or individual employees at our campus and/or we can provide apprenticeship training for your aspiring job candidates, retiring veteran applicants, and new hires. Use the contact form below to discuss possibilities.